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Star Spangled Salute: Cooking Saves A Veteran

Star Spangled Salute: Cooking Saves A Veteran

Star Spangled Salute: Cooking Saves A Veteran




Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Army Veteran, licensed nurse and chef Tyenella Hall.  After her service, Tyenella found herself suffering from PTSD.  It was cooking that saved her.  Tyenella says bringing to life some of her Nana’s handwritten recipes lifts her spirits like nothing else can. Tynella said, “Cooking saved my life, period”.   She says cooking allowed her to step outside the medication bubble she was in.  After her Grandma passed, Tyenella went back to school, got a degree in culinary arts, a bachelors in hotel restaurant management and a masters in business.  “Chef Tye” has never looked back since.  Congratulations on your success Tyenella and THANK YOU for your service.


The Star Spangled Salute is presented by



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