JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Mail Carrier Receives A National Hero Award

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Mail Carrier Receives A National Hero Award

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Mail Carrier Receives A National Hero Award





Today, the AWESOME comes from Flint, Michigan. Rungphet Bodnar was recently celebrated as a hero for saving a young girl’s life while on her mail route one day. Last April, Rungphet was driving her mail route in Flint. She noticed a group of children screaming and running near a bus stop. To her horror, she saw a large dog dragging a young girl by her leg. Without hesitation, Bodnar stopped her postal vehicle and rushed to help. She used her emergency dog spray multiple times, giving another woman enough time to help pull the child away from the animal. After several intense minutes, the two women successfully freed the girl. Recently, she was awarded the Central Region Hero award during the National Association of Letter Carriers’ (NALC) annual ceremony on March 20 in Washington, D.C. Rungphet says her best reward is that every time the girl sees her coming, she runs up and gives her a hug, she says, “That’s the best.”  and THAT’S AWESOME.



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