
On Air

Bobby Knight

Mon - Fri 03:00 PM to 08:00 PM

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Kansas Veteran Dedicated To Service

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Kansas Veteran Dedicated To Service

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Kansas Veteran Dedicated To Service





Today, we salute Kansas Navy Veteran Susan Gregg.  Shortly after junior college, Sue felt drawn to the Navy and enlisted in 1968 at the pinnacle of the Vietnam War. Instead of being deployed overseas, she was assigned to the Pentagon. The protests and political climate made her role as a Navy Yeoman inside the Pentagon challenging, but she did it and did it well. Sue also met her husband at the Pentagon, and after four years, they moved to Arkansas City to start a family. That’s where Sue spent the next four decades until she discovered a lovely retirement community in Augusta. She also developed a passion for working with the Kansas Honor Flight. “Veterans organizations like the Honor Flight are one of my favorite things to be involved in,” Sue said. “The people that organize it are incredible and really get the job done.” Now, Sue is busy trying to recruit volunteers for the Kansas Honor Flight. Thank you for helping Veterans, Sue, and THANK YOU for your service.


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