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Wichita State reports record enrollment

Wichita State reports record enrollment

Wichita State reports record enrollment


Wichita State University has reported a total enrollment of 23,806, the largest number of students in its history.

The main WSU campus achieved historic enrollment last year with 17,548 students and exceeded this year with 17,700 students.   At WSU Tech, student headcount increased from 5,655 last year to 6,106 this year — also the highest headcount ever for WSU Tech.

WSU president Rick Muma said in a press release, “This record-breaking enrollment is a testament to our steadfast dedication to student success and achievement.  It is a direct result of our relentless focus on access and affordability and our commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation. By aligning our resources and efforts, we are equipping students with the skills and opportunities they need to lead in their careers and drive progress across Kansas and on the global stage.”

University officials are also giving credit to the Kansas Legislature’s recent investment of more than $6 million to Wichita State in need-based aid. The priority of need-based aid has allowed the university to expand Shocker Promise gap scholarships for all eligible Kansas students and families and provide retention and degree completion funding for Shockers with the greatest financial need.

WSU has listed some highlights from this fall’s enrollment:

  • 1,651 students entering college for the first time – the fourth highest in WSU’s history
  • 7% increase in student credit hours for undergraduate degree-seeking students
  • 4% increase in fall-to-fall persistence among undergraduate full-time freshmen for the last two years
  • New students from Shocker partnerships in Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas are up by 7 % — a direct result of WSU’s tuition discount program that offers in-state tuition to students in eight other states.
  • Continuing students from Sedgwick County are up 5.5%
  • 2% increase in undergraduate degree-seeking students
  • Underrepresented minority students at the undergraduate level grew in the past year by 2.1%.

Several highlights were also listed for WSU Tech:

  • WSU Tech’s fall 2024 enrollment is the highest total headcount and credit hours in the history of the college for any semester, with 6,106 students and 55,163 credit hours. Both high school and adult populations had their highest headcount, credit hours, and FTE for any semester in the history of the college.
  • This fall marks the first time WSU Tech’s total headcount has exceeded 6,000 students, with high school enrollment surpassing 3,000 for the first fall semester ever.

Dr. Sheree Utash, WSU Tech president, said in a press release, “The growth in key sectors such as aviation, manufacturing, and healthcare highlights our strong partnerships with industry leaders to ensure our graduates are workforce-ready from day one. We remain committed to fostering opportunities for all students, especially first-generation and underserved populations, to build a brighter future through education and workforce development.”


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