
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Generosity and Kindness are On The Menu

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Generosity and Kindness are On The Menu

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Generosity and Kindness are On The Menu





Greenport, New York is home to the AWESOME today. When diners at a local restaurant in Greenport, New York when to pay their bill the other night, that were met with quite a surprise.  It seems their meal had been paid for.  Not just one or a couple customers, ALL OF THEM. It was a gesture that instantly spread joy and gratitude throughout the room. The customer wanted to remain anonymous and slipped out after paying. The owner of the restaurant Sharon Sailer said, “With all the division, negativity, and sadness we are inundated with every day, it was surprisingly refreshing to see someone pay it forward. It makes me believe that good is all around us, we just need to stop and soak it in.” Kindness for no other reason than being kind, THAT’S AWESOME.






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