
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Alexa, A Little Girl, and The Life They Saved

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Alexa, A Little Girl, and The Life They Saved

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Alexa, A Little Girl, and The Life They Saved






Off to the UK for the AWESOME today. As adults, we can all agree it’s hard to get a 4-year-old to listen. Thankfully Lyla was listening when her family showed her how to make phone calls on Alexa. Just the other day she saw her mom collapse into an epileptic seizure. She couldn’t get into her mom’s phone to call her grandmother  so she remained calm and asked Alexa to make the call. The grandmother rushed over the help. After the ordeal was over, Lyla received a special certificate from her grandmother for her quick thinking and bravery.  Helping save her mom at the age of 4, Lyla, THAT’S AWESOME.





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