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Jenn West

Mon - Fri 10 AM - 3PM

Sedgwick County commissioners approve solar regulations

Sedgwick County commissioners approve solar regulations

Sedgwick County commissioners approve solar regulations


Sedgwick County Commissioners have voted 4 to 1 to approve regulations that will cover large scale solar power projects.

Under the regulations,  large scale solar projects would not be allowed in urban growth areas, except for transmission or collection lines.   They will be limited in size to 1,500 acres, and they could not cover more than six contiguous sections of land.   They would also be limited to 65 percent of the total project area acreage, and the applicant would have to notify cities within two miles of the project area at the time of their application to the county.  Other regulations would cover liability insurance, collection and storage of damaged panels, and other issues.

Commissioner Jim Howell was the no vote.  He raised concerns about the environmental impact of the solar panels, the materials used in the panels and the question of whether the power generated by the panels would be used in Kansas.   He said he’s not sure that solar power has reached the peak of its technology and he noted that other counties in the state have suspended action for a few years to see what happens.   Howell said he’s not convinced that this is the right technology for Sedgwick County and he’s not sure this is the right time to move ahead with regulations.

Commission Chairman Ryan Baty voiced concerns about the impact on property rights and the impact on agricultural land.  He said ranching and farming is becoming more difficult, and there needs to be some sort of action to provide clarity to landowners.

The regulations will apply to large scale commercial solar projects, and they will not affect smaller accessory projects that may be attached to a home or a school.


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