
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

Hearing conducted in Kansas Gas Service rate case

Hearing conducted in Kansas Gas Service rate case

Hearing conducted in Kansas Gas Service rate case


The Kansas Corporation Commission held a settlement hearing Tuesday in a rate case for Kansas Gas Service.

The settlement was worked out by the KCC staff, Kansas Gas Service, the Citizens Utility Ratepayer Board and WoodRiver Energy, and a hearing was held at the KCC office in Topeka.

The agreement changes the rate increase that Kansas Gas Service had originally requested.  The company has dropped its plan for two different rate structures based on high or low usage.   That would have resulted in a residential rate increase of about $6.71 a month for low usage customers and about $9.48 a month for high users.   The agreement instead will have residential customers with average usage paying an increase of $3.83 a month, or $42.02 per year.

The KCC heard from witnesses and raised questions during the hearing, and they may approve, reject or modify the agreement.  A Commission order is due on or before October 25th.


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