That’s Awesome: A Bus Driver’s Simple, Inspiring Kindness

That’s Awesome: A Bus Driver’s Simple, Inspiring Kindness

That’s Awesome: A Bus Driver’s Simple, Inspiring Kindness




Today, the Awesome comes from St. Paul, Minnesota. 57-year-old Jayne is known as the “Happy Bus Driver” by her regular passengers on her daily bus route. Now, you can add “kind” to her list of nicknames. During a routine stop on West 7th in St. Paul, Jayne opened her bus doors for an unhoused woman who looked as though she had walked straight out of a disaster movie. Passenger Sarah Seldon, sitting towards the back of the bus, noticed the woman had no shoes and initially thought she might be asked to leave. Instead, Jayne surprised everyone by taking off her own shoes and giving them to the woman. A gesture that soon went viral and earned Jayne praise from around town and around the country. Kindness from a bus driver for a person on life’s struggle bus, THAT’S AWESOME.



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