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Dana Lundon

Mon - FrI 10 AM - 3PM

Supreme Court limits obstruction charges for January 6th defendants

Supreme Court limits obstruction charges for January 6th defendants

Supreme Court limits obstruction charges for January 6th defendants

United States Supreme Court Building

The Supreme Court has ruled that a January 6th Capitol rioter was improperly charged with obstruction.  The case involved a former Pennsylvania police officer charged for his alleged participation in the attack on the Capitol.

The Justices ruled 6-3 that the government’s broad use of a 2002 law that specifically deals with obstruction does not apply to the officer, and by extension, others. It does not mean the officer and other rioters are absolved of any other of the charges they face.

Legal experts say this ruling might be a good sign for former President Trump’ and his immunity case, which is expected to be released soon.


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