
On Air

Bobby Knight

Mon - Fri 03:00 PM to 08:00 PM

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Video Gamer Saves His Family

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Video Gamer Saves His Family

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Video Gamer Saves His Family







Going to Columbia, South Carolina for the AWESOME today.  Avante Weeks loves video games. He played them every chance he could, day and night. Well, earlier this week, playing those games helped him save his family from a house fire because he was awake playing video games late at night. Around midnight, Avante heard popping noises coming from his neighbor’s house, but soon realized the noise was actually coming from the fire engulfing his family’s car and it was spreading to their house. Realizing the danger, the 8th-grader immediately woke up his family, making sure everyone got out safely. Avante recalls being in such a rush that he didn’t even put on clothes or grab his phone. His mother says she was proud and grateful for her son’s quick thinking and bravery. The fire did destroy their home and another close by but, thanks to Avante’s decisive actions, no one was injured. When playing video games gets you extra lives, IRL – THAT’S AWESOME.








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