
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Waits Sixty Years For His Silver Star

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Waits Sixty Years For His Silver Star

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Waits Sixty Years For His Silver Star





Today we honor Vietnam Veteran Lance Cpl. Milo Plank Jr. In August of 1965 Plank was part of Operation Starlite, the first U.S. offensive to land in Vietnam.  His 3 tank unit was met with zero resistance at first but later that day machine gun fire exploded all around. A fire team of infantrymen ― the eyes and ears of the three-tank unit — were behind him, some of them were wounded too. Plank knew they’d need help getting the wounded sergeant out of the turret. He began firing with his pistol.  Along with another Marine, he helped save several lives that day. Those actions would go unrecognized for six decades, until recently when his actions were recognized and he finally received the Silver Star that was long overdue. Congratulations Milo and THANK YOU for your service.



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