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Ascension hospitals report progress after cyberattack

Ascension hospitals report progress after cyberattack

Ascension hospitals report progress after cyberattack


The Ascension health care network is reporting progress in its efforts to restore systems after a cyberattack in early May.  The network includes the Ascension Via Christi St. Francis and Via Christi St. Joseph hospitals in Wichita.

Ascension officials said Electronic Health Record access has been restored in its facilities in Austin, Texas; Florida and Alabama.   Restoration should be complete across the entire network by June 14th.   As the records are restored, clinicians will be able to access patient records as they did before the cyberattack.

Ascension Rx retail, home delivery and specialty pharmacy sites are open and able to meet prescription needs. This means that healthcare providers are able to transmit prescriptions electronically and can send prescriptions to Ascension Rx pharmacies for their patients.

Ascension officials said they are continuing to investigate the May 8th cyberattack, and it will take time to complete the recovery.

Nurses at Ascension hospitals have raised concerns about the impact of the cyberattack, saying the difficulty in accessing electronic systems could lead to mistakes that could jeopardize patient care.


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