
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

JJ on Demand: Actor Ariel Llinas Talks About “Horizon: An American Saga

JJ on Demand: Actor Ariel Llinas Talks About “Horizon: An American Saga

JJ on Demand: Actor Ariel Llinas Talks About “Horizon: An American Saga






I first met Ariel when I came to town 10 years ago.  One of my first remote broadcasts was at Rusty Eck Ford and Ariel was there as his other personality, “Dealin’ Don”. He belonged to a marketing firm that specialized in sending hype guys like Ariel to dealerships for big sales, etc. It wasn’t until years later that I found at that he was an actor whose career was growing with each role.




Over the years I would see on his socials he’d be getting this role and that role ….and in between surfing and flying from this place and that place.  That’s why I was so excited for him when he posted the good news that Kevin “F’in” Costner wanted Ariel for a part in his new western epic “Horizon: An American Saga”.  It’s a film Costner has already put almost $40M of his own money into.  I can’t wait to see it, even more so now that Ariel is going to be on the big screen.


Check out my conversation with Ariel.  We talk the Bronx, surfing, marketing, kissing scenes and much more.





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