
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

JJ Talks Turkey With Sue Smith From The Butterball Turkey Talk Line

JJ Talks Turkey With Sue Smith From The Butterball Turkey Talk Line

JJ Talks Turkey With Sue Smith From The Butterball Turkey Talk Line




I LOVE LOVE LOVE Thanksgiving.  I love cooking for people, I love eating the food, the football, the friends and fellowship, the nap…ALL OF IT.


However, it can be an intimidating undertaking.  I’m a pretty confident cook, but last year we had Thanksgiving at Amy’s parent’s house in Indiana and I was “voluntold” that I would be cooking. Unfamiliar kitchen, the pressure of cooking for my new family…….I was sweatin’.   No matter the reason why you are stressing about the dinner, I GOT YOU!!


Listen to my converstation with Sue Smith from the Butterball Turkey Talk Line….and you’ll be ready to baste that bird.






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