
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

SEE: Jelly Roll Goes To Jail – To Help Others!

SEE: Jelly Roll Goes To Jail – To Help Others!

SEE: Jelly Roll Goes To Jail – To Help Others!


On Saturday (8/12) before his show in Virginia Beach, Jelly Roll, visited inmates in the HARP RVA program at the Chesterfield County Jail.  The HARP RVA program stands for

“Helping Addicts Recover Progressively” which started back in 2016. Now in 2023, they have expanded into the surrounding metro areas, resulting in the growth of the program.

Jelly Roll had responded to a TikTok video request from the Chesterfield County Jail titled “We Need a Favor” where he then visited, spoke, and performed.

Jelly Roll’s visit was a sign of hope and strength to the participants of the HARP program, and most importantly, show that recovery is possible.

I think Johnny Cash would be proud!

Thanks to @harprva and @chesterfieldcountypolice for the amazing story and photos. Keep up the good work!






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