
On Air

Jenn West

Mon - Fri 10 AM - 3PM

Van Tours, Birds of Prey Program Return to Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

Van Tours, Birds of Prey Program Return to Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

Van Tours, Birds of Prey Program Return to Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve


The Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve has reopened its 10 passenger van tours after a 3-year hiatus.

Tours are given Monday through Friday, with tour times at 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. An extra daily van tour is added on the weekends at 10:00 a.m. A wheelchair accessible van is also available. During the 6.4-mile tour, park rangers will discuss the prairie’s intricate system of plants and animals, the geology that formed the Flint Hills, American Indians, and the legacy of ranching.  The tour is available daily through August 31st and lasts approximately an hour and a half.  A minimum of two passengers is required per van tour. Advance reservations are recommended, but arrangements can be made on the day of the visit if space is available.The Lower Fox Creek one-room school is open daily from May 1st through December 31st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and staffed by National Park Service volunteers on Sundays in May, June, September, and October to answer questions.  Learn about the role the school played in the early days of education on the prairie.  McGuffey Readers, slates, and a recitation bench are on display.Additionally, on Friday, June 9th visitors can learn about birds of prey. No registration required. All activities are free of charge. The Birds of Prey program is presented by Milford Nature Center naturalists Amber Myers and Pat Silovsky. Live birds are part of the program, and there will be two presentations, both located in the historic limestone barn.Birding Program Schedule:10:30 a.m. – Raptors program in the barn with live birds (45 minutes)11:45 p.m. – Raptors program in the barn with live birds (45 minutes)

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