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Recently discovered film shows Wichita’s downtown 95 years ago

Recently discovered film shows Wichita’s downtown 95 years ago

Recently discovered film shows Wichita’s downtown 95 years ago

The Wichita and Sedgwick County Historical Museum has shared rare footage of downtown Wichita as it looked 95 years ago.

The recently discovered film is from a 1924 parade by Rotary International for “Boys Week.”  It was shot in the 100 block of east Douglas, pointing west.  Off in the distance, the Broadview Hotel can be see, along with the Eaton.

Street cars can be seen moving along the street as the parade travels along Douglas.  Street car service in Wichita transitioned to bus service starting in the 1930’s.

Groups that participated in the parade included the American Indian Institute, the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs, YMCA, Boy Scouts, local schools including Allison, Roosevelt, Hamilton, Harry Street, Ingalls, Horace Mann, and Cathedral.  An unknown African-American group, as well as several unknown marching bands took part.

You can watch the video below.  For more videos from the Wichita and Sedgwick County Historical Museum, click here.

For more about the museum, visit their website.  For more information about Rotary and “Boys Week,” click here.

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