
On Air

Roxanne Stuart

Saturdays 10-2, Sundays 2-7 and Fill In

At Issue 2-24-19

At Issue 2-24-19

At Issue 2-24-19

At Issue 2-24-19

ThriveICT and YouThrive discuss their community programs and upcoming events. Janet Federico with ThriveICT discusses her group that helps trauma survivors, and Megan Crabtree and Cara Mattson with YouThrive discuss their efforts to help teenagers and young adults transition into adulthood.

Thrive ICT is holding a survivorship conference at 9 a.m. March 8 at the Advanced Learning Library in Wichita.

YouThrive is holding a training day for mentors and volunteers March 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Child Advocacy Center in Wichita.


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