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More time granted in demolition permit for Crown Uptown

More time granted in demolition permit for Crown Uptown

More time granted in demolition permit for Crown Uptown


The Wichita City Council has voted to grant a 180-day extension of the control period for a demolition permit that was filed for the Crown Uptown Theater.

The owner of the theater, Mike Brown, filed for the permit after the Council voted in early February to deny his request for an expansion of the theater’s capacity.   Brown told the Council on Tuesday that he doesn’t want the building to go away, but it’s not feasible to continue the theater with a restricted capacity.  He said the solution is to sit down with the Fire Department and the Planning Department and work out something on capacity.

The Council granted the extension to allow the building at 3207 East Douglas to be considered for local and state registers of historic places.  The vote was 6-1 with Council Member Dalton Glasscock voting no.




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