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Mon - Sat 07:00 to 12:00 AM

JJ’s That’s Trending: YouTube TV Changes, The Wolly Mouse, Say Timber and Fall In Love and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: YouTube TV Changes, The Wolly Mouse, Say Timber and Fall In Love and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: YouTube TV Changes, The Wolly Mouse, Say Timber and Fall In Love and More





If you subscribe to YouTube TV, other than a price hike, some changes are coming. YouTube TV is looking to take on Amazon and Apple and make it easier to access all your content by featuring third-party streamers like Netflix on its platform.







The talented and very lucky to be alive Tracy Morgan has a new gig coming to NBC. He is going to star as a former football player in a comedy produced by Tina Fey.







Meghan Markle’s new show on Netflix is being scorched by critics and viewers alike. One review said it feels like a “forced march.” Another said it was a “black hole of beige.”









It could be the hottest, most trending pet since the Teddy Bear Doodle, the Wolly Mouse. De-extinction company Colossal Biosciences genetically engineered a shaggy, light brown mouse with fat deposits as part of its effort to revive the extinct woolly mammoth.








If you want to find love, say “Timber” not Tinder. People in Germany have been connecting the old-fashioned way for over a century thanks to the “Bridegroom Oak”. The Bräutigamseiche has a famous knothole that’s been used as a mailbox since 1892. Mail carriers deliver up to 60 letters a month to the tree where pen pal relationships have grown and even a few marriages have blossomed. Others looking for just a hookup use a nearby “knotty” pine.


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