AAA Kansas is calling attention to increasing numbers of pedestrian deaths outlined in a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
New research has found an increase of 80 percent in pedestrian deaths nationwide in the past 15 years, after reaching an historic low in 2009. Almost the entire increase has happened on urban arterial roads and after dark. These busy city roads are typically built to quickly move a lot of traffic between metropolitan areas while still allowing access to local streets. This means pedestrians and vehicles often share congested roads that are not always well-lit or have appropriate sidewalks, crosswalks, or traffic signals.
The Kansas Department of Transportation reported statistics for the period from 2014 to 2023:
4,674 pedestrians involved in crashes
330 pedestrians were killed in those crashes
4,017 pedestrians were injured
AAA Kansas has advice for drivers to follow to prevent pedestrian accidents:
Engaging in risky driving behaviors such as speeding, texting, driving while drowsy or distracted, or driving under the influence of cannabis or alcohol significantly increases the risk of a collision. Remember to stay alert! Follow speed limits, keep your smartphone out of reach, and only drive when sober.
Do not rely on pedestrian detection systems to prevent a crash. This technology should only serve as a backup, not a replacement for an engaged driver.
Drive with extra caution at night, as this is the riskiest time for pedestrians and when vehicle safety systems struggle the most.
Use caution by staying on sidewalks and using crosswalks as often as possible.
Always obey traffic signals
Look both ways before crossing the street
Do not walk and text.