JJ’s That’s Awesome: An Anonymous Gift And The Kindness It Created

JJ’s That’s Awesome: An Anonymous Gift And The Kindness It Created

JJ’s That’s Awesome: An Anonymous Gift And The Kindness It Created





Today, the AWESOME is in Oregon. The Ashland Schools Foundation in Oregon’s Ashland School District has been pleasantly surprised by an anonymous benefactor’s generous donation of $890,000. The terms of the donation set aside $850,000 for the district’s budget to help address pressing financial issues, including mid-year staffing shortages, while $40,000 will be designated for student affinity groups. It’s the $40,000 that created an overwhelming response from students who wrote thank you cards to express their appreciation to the anonymous donor. Many students and community members have shared stories of random acts of kindness inspired by the donor’s generosity. Just another example of the ripple effect of generosity, and THAT’S AWESOME.

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