The B-29 DOC Hangar in Wichita has announced the date for the fourth annual Pull-A-Plane event.
The Pull-A-Plane for Education will be held March 8th at the B-29 DOC Hangar, Education and Visitors Center. The museum is again partnering with WSU Tech, and the event will raise funds for student support, creating career opportunities in aviation and beyond. The proceeds also help support maintenance of the B-29 DOC aircraft, keeping it active as a living museum.
Teams will work to pull the aircraft for a distance along the runway. Each team will raise a minimum of $2,500 to participate and the person who raises the most donations will get a ride on DOC.
B-29 DOC executive director Josh Wells said the funds raised will “support student success in aviation and other technical careers, ensuring the next generation of aviation workers not only continue to hold Wichita’s claim to the Air Capital of the World, but also ensure warbirds like DOC have qualified mechanics to keep them flying for generations to come.”
More information and registration is available at the web site