Snow falls across southern Kansas

Snow falls across southern Kansas

Snow falls across southern Kansas


Snow left a coating on roadways across the Wichita area on Monday, leading to a number of crashes and the activation of the Emergency Accident Reporting Plan for Wichita, Derby and Bel Aire.

Moderate to heavy snow was reported south of Wichita during the early afternoon, causing limited visibility and slick driving conditions.  Wichita had an inch and two tenths of snow, while snowfall amounts in southwest Kansas were around two inches.

The snow moved out late in the day and temperatures dropped below zero early Tuesday.   Highs on Tuesday will be in the 20s.

The Wichita Fire Department is asking people to stay off of frozen ponds and lakes as the temperature drops.  People are urged to avoid walking on ice-covered surfaces and keep an eye on children and pets.   If you see a pet on the ice, call 911 and don’t try to rescue the animal yourself.

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