
On Air

Jenn West

Mon - Fri 10 AM - 3PM

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Kansas Firefighters Going Above and Beyond

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Kansas Firefighters Going Above and Beyond

JJ’s That’s Awesome: Kansas Firefighters Going Above and Beyond






Today, the AWESOME is in Overland Park, Kansas. Tuesday morning, firefighters responded to an emergency for a man who had suffered cardiac arrest while shoveling his driveway. The team of first responders not only assisted in the life-saving measures for the man, who was later transported to a local hospital, but they then stuck around and did something more: they finished shoveling the man’s driveway. We all know how physically demanding shoveling snow is; experts say because of the physical activity, combined with the cold weather, causing blood pressure to rise, it can be dangerous for people with heart conditions. Saving lives with a healthy dose of kindness THAT’S AWESOME.





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