Today, we salute Veteran Martin “Marty” Solis. Martin joined the Air Force at 18 and spent 18 weeks of difficult basic training in Amarillo, Texas. During the Korean War, he was stationed for four years at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson. He served as an airplane mechanic and worked with early models of the famous B-52 bombers. His hearing was damaged from the jet wash of the huge airplanes. He also served temporary duty training missions in Libya, North Africa, and England, where he spent two, six-month tours. During one of those tours, he attended Queen Elizabeth’s coronation wearing his dress blue uniform. Martin was recently honored with the Louisiana Military Medal of Honor and presented with a U.S. flag that was flown over the Nation’s Capitol for his military service during the time when the old U. S. Army Air Corps was being transitioned into today’s United States Air Force. Congratulations Martin and THANK YOU for your service.