Sedgwick County Sheriff’s deputies wrote 42 citations for speeding over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, and the highest speed was 71 miles an hour in a 40-mile-an-hour zone.
The Sheriff’s Office issued a report on patrol activity over the weekend as part of the statewide Thanksgiving Safe Arrival campaign. The initiative was supported by a grant from the Kansas Department of Transportation, and it placed an emphasis on occupant protection to encourage seatbelt use and save lives.
During the campaign, deputies focused on ensuring all drivers and passengers were buckled up while enforcing all traffic laws. The Sheriff’s Office listed the following results:
- Hours Worked: 76.25
- Traffic Stops Made: 158
- Speeding Citations Issued: 42 (Highest speed: 71 mph in a 40 mph zone)
- Child Seatbelt Citations: 2
- Adult Seatbelt Citations: 13
- Texting Citations: 1
- All Other Citations: 122
- Arrests Made: 4
- Cases Generated: 6
The next enforcement event will be called Taking Down DUI and it begins December 26th. It will focus on removing impaired drivers from the road during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday season.