JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Son Pays Back A Father’s Sacrifice

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Son Pays Back A Father’s Sacrifice

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Son Pays Back A Father’s Sacrifice






Today, the AWESOME is in Mesquite, Texas.  Warning: If you watch the video that follows this story, it will make your allergies flare up. This is a story almost every parent can relate to, sacrificing everything for their children. In this case, Earl Guynes gave up the symbol of his youth, his freedom, and his dreams: His Marina Blue 1967 Chevrolet Camaro. He did it because his two little ones at home needed diapers, and that’s how desperate he was for diaper money. His youngest son has heard his dad reminisce about that car a lot. Over the years, Jared soon understood what that car represented and meant to his dad, so without his dad knowing, Jared located the car and spent the last two years immaculately restoring it to its original beauty and then surprised his dad with the car and the keys on his 65th birthday. It was a moment that brought Jared and his Dad to tears. Saying thank you to his Dad with a twice-in-a-lifetime car, THAT’S AWESOME.



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