JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Mother Inspires Others To Kindness

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Mother Inspires Others To Kindness

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Mother Inspires Others To Kindness





Today, the Awesome is on social media. Victoria, a mother who remembers the challenges of postpartum life, has been quietly spreading acts of kindness in a way that has touched many hearts. She started hiding small bills, $5 and $10, along with handwritten notes that offered encouragement, inside things like diapers and baby formula. She explained in her video, “I remember postpartum was the hardest time of my life. If I were to get like a little note that says ‘here’s a coffee’ or a gift card, it would have made my entire day.” The response to her video has been overwhelmingly positive, and has created a movement where others are doing the same. Helping and inspiring others to be kind, THAT’S AWESOME.




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