JJ’s That’s Trending: Joey Chestnut Is King, The Portal Shuts Down Again, A Record Pajama Party and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: Joey Chestnut Is King, The Portal Shuts Down Again, A Record Pajama Party and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: Joey Chestnut Is King, The Portal Shuts Down Again, A Record Pajama Party and More






1. The Trump-Harris race is ready to level up and while they clearly don’t agree on a lot of things, one thing we can agree on is that both sides have substantial war chests.  Trump, Harris  and their allies have over $1B to spend and now the question is, how will they spend it.






2. There is a new scam in the area you should be aware of. A Derby woman received a call claiming to be from the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office notifying her that she failed to show up for federal jury duty and now owed $12,000.  She responded saying everything seemed so incredibly legitimate with many of her personal details already.







3. Joey Chestnut is NOT human. On the Netflix sanctioned hot dog eating championship, Joey obliterated not only his competition but the world record. Takeru Kobayashi downed an impressive 67 hotdogs and buns in 10 minutes, Joey ate 83. Think about it, his margin of victory was more than twice the amount of hot dogs most of you can eat.





4. It opened, it closed, it opened and as of yesterday it closed again. The “Dublin Portal” – a live video link between NYC and Dublin, Ireland is still having trouble staying open because people can’t stop mooning and flashing one another. There are also portals in Lithuania and Poland.  No word on how people on those portals are behaving.





5. And recently at the the very first IKEA store in Sweden, employees set a world record for the largest pajama party with 2052 participating. While, it took some time to organize and put together it still didn’t take as long to put together as it does a 2 door, 2 draw vanity from IKEA







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