Wichita reports reduction in water use as drought continues

Wichita reports reduction in water use as drought continues

Wichita reports reduction in water use as drought continues


The City of Wichita is reporting a reduction in water usage as the drought continues and the city remains under mandatory outdoor water restrictions.

At her weekly news conference at City Hall, Mayor Lily Wu said in the past week, the community has used 354 million gallons of water, a reduction of 34 percent in base water usage.   The previous week, the city had used 352 million gallons, with a reduction of 35 percent in base usage.

The mayor said as the city goes into September and many summer water activities start to wind down, it’s hoped there will be more reduction in water usage.   She said residents are urged to continue to cut back on water use.  More information is available on the city’s web site savewichitawater.com

In spite of recent rainfall, Cheney Reservoir remains below 60 percent full and it’s seven feet below normal levels.

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