
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Spanish Superhero

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Spanish Superhero

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Spanish Superhero






Today the AWESOME takes us to Spain where people like Felipe David Souza, continue to prove not all heroes wear capes. Felipe was working at an apartment when he heard screams coming from outside the window. Felipe said he saw a little boy with half his body out a window, dangling from a the railing, frozen with fear. A video captured by a bystander, showed Souza tightly gripping the railing as he cautiously makes his way along the narrow ledge toward the child. Upon reaching him, Souza gently but firmly guides the boy back over the railing to safety. The boy’s parents, who had inadvertently dozed off, were in shock when they realized what had happened. They expressed their profound gratitude to Souza. Putting your life on the line to help a child you don’t even know, Felipe, THAT’S AWESOME.




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