
On Air

Roxanne Stuart

Saturdays 10-2, Sundays 2-7 and Fill In

Funeral services held for Wichita firefighter Ty Voth

Funeral services held for Wichita firefighter Ty Voth

Funeral services held for Wichita firefighter Ty Voth


Funeral services were held Friday morning for Wichita firefighter Ty Voth, who died after battling a house fire on August 1st.    Hundreds of people attended the services at the Park City Arena.

Voth was remembered as a man who was like a professional athlete as he trained to become a firefighter, and he was diligent in studying all of the disciplines involved.  He was remembered as a firefighter who would sacrifice his welfare for a stranger, and there was no question about his unconditional love and passion to be a firefighter.  Voth was also remembered as a son, a brother and a father, and as a brother to the firefighters at Station 5 where he worked.

The International Association of Fire Fighters presented its Medal of Honor to Voth’s family, and announced plans to add Voth’s name to the Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial in Colorado Springs in September, 2025.

A final call for Firefighter Ty Voth was issued over the radio channel at the conclusion of the funeral service.

After the service, Voth’s casket was taken in a procession to Whitewater, where a private graveside service was held.


Official Procession Route from the Park City Arena:

Park City Arena, 8151 N Hartman Arena Dr, Park City, KS 67147 To Whitewater Cemetery, 10881-11579 SE 72nd St, Whitewater, KS 67154

  1. Exit Park City Arena using the southwest exit (E. Briar Rose Ln.)
  2. Turn right (west) on E. Briar Rose Ln. and proceed to Broadway
  3. Turn right (north) on Broadway and proceed approximately 9 miles
  4. Turn right (east) onto K-196/SE 72nd and proceed east for approximately 8 miles
  5. Cross Harvest Hill Rd. and attendants will assist in parking in the appropriate location upon arrival to the cemetery

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