Questions raised over Sedgwick County lobbyist contract

Questions raised over Sedgwick County lobbyist contract

Questions raised over Sedgwick County lobbyist contract


A Sedgwick County commissioner is raising questions over the cost of having a lobbyist on federal issues in Washington D.C.

During a county budget discussion Wednesday, Commissioner David Dennis asked whether there is a need to continue a $78,000 a year contract with a lobbying firm.  He said county commissioners have frequent contact with the state’s congressional delegation.   Dennis also pointed out that the county is cutting funding next year for the Sedgwick County Fair, Exploration Place, economic development, county extension programs and other areas.    He asked, “Is this lobbyist in D.C. more important than all of those things put together?”

Commissioner Pete Meitzner argued in favor of keeping the lobbying contract, saying that it has been effective in bringing millions in federal grant funding to the community, dwarfing what is spent on the lobbyist.   He said staff for the Kansas congressional delegation has been able to work with the lobbyist in getting access to federal agencies for funding applications.

County Manager Tom Stolz said the current contract with the lobbying firm expires at the end of 2025.  Commissioners plan more discussions on the county budget in the coming weeks, and there will be several public hearings ahead of the August 21st adoption of a final budget for 2025.




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