
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Police Officer Rescues a Dog Twice

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Police Officer Rescues a Dog Twice

JJ’s That’s Awesome: A Police Officer Rescues a Dog Twice




Going to Indianapolis for the Awesome today. Last week temperatures climbed well into the 90’s in Indianapolis and at one hotel, there was a car with a cat and two dogs locked inside. One dog, Abby the German Shepherd was beeping the car horn which alerted the hotel manager who called the police. Officer Poe was the first on the scene to rescue Abby and the cat, sadly the other dog didn’t survive. Officer Poe, so affected by the call he decided to rescue Abby a 2nd time and adopted her, to make sure something like this never happened again and that she would always have a loving home. Making room in your home and doing the right thing, Officer Poe, THAT’S AWESOME.







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