JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A World War II Veteran Raises The Flag and The Bar For Patriotism

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A World War II Veteran Raises The Flag and The Bar For Patriotism

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A World War II Veteran Raises The Flag and The Bar For Patriotism






Today, we honor World War II Veteran Leroy Forehand. After graduating high school, Leroy joined the armed forces.  He say he joined not so much because he had to but because of a sense of duty. One of his biggest takeaways from his time in the military was the practice of raising and lowering the flag everyday.  A practice he brought home after his service, a practice he still does to this day at the age of 102. He rarely misses a day, he says he won’t put the flag out if it’s raining. Even though it may take him a little longer these days, he still pays his respects to the flag he spent years defending. Thank you for your patriotism Leroy and THANK YOU for your service.








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