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Mon - Sat 07:00 to 12:00 AM

That’s Awesome: A Florida Police Officer Offers A Shave To Help A Man Get A Job

That’s Awesome: A Florida Police Officer Offers A Shave To Help A Man Get A Job

That’s Awesome: A Florida Police Officer Offers A Shave To Help A Man Get A Job






Today, the AWESOME is in Tallahassee, Florida.  A homeless man walked into a Mcdonalds the other day wanting to apply for a job.  The manager told him, that as part of the dress code policy, Phil, had to shave his beard. Phil, outside a local gas station, tried to do it with a broken razor and without a mirror, but was struggling. That’s when officer Tony Carlson stepped in and shaved Phil’s beard for him. Officer Carlson was praised for his kindness but he says, it wasn’t anything special, it happens all the time it just happens that this time it was caught on camera. By the way, the manager was true to her word and Phil started his new job on Friday. Lifting another up in a moment of need while you protect and serve – Officer Tony Carlson, THAT’S AWESOME.














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