Exploration Place receives donation for water park facility

Exploration Place receives donation for water park facility

Exploration Place receives donation for water park facility


The Junior League of Wichita has announced a $2 million gift to Exploration Place to fund the creation of a water park that will be part of a planned outdoor expansion for the museum.

The Junior League of Wichita Water Play Cascades is designed to promote teamwork and collaboration, and it will have pumps and water wheels that will be activated by children and adults working together.  It will be part of Exploration Place’s “destination playscape,” which is a $25 million project covering six and a half acres with ten landscaped individual playgrounds.

The gift is being made by the Junior League in honor of its 100th anniversary in 2025.   Longtime members Cindy Carnahan and Lynn Ward led the fundraising campaign, and the gift is made up of donations from more than 200 individuals and other entities.

Exploration Place president and CEO Adam Smith expressed appreciation for the gift and in a press release he said,  “We know how popular water play is from our indoor exhibits, and we can’t wait for our families to work together in such a fun and creative environment.”


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