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Kansas officials warn of dangers from distracted driving

Kansas officials warn of dangers from distracted driving

Kansas officials warn of dangers from distracted driving


Kansas transportation officials are calling attention to safety issues in an effort observing the month of April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

Preliminary data for the state shows 102 deaths and over 450 people injured in crashes last year involving distracted driving.

During April, Kansas motorists will hear and see more distracted driving safety messages. Increased law enforcement will remind drivers any distraction, including texting, is unsafe, unnecessary and illegal.   KDOT Behavior Safety Manager Gary Herman said distracted driving is dangerous and puts others at risk.  He said in a press release, “As soon as your eyes leave the road and your hands leave the steering wheel, focus on driving is gone. This results in no time to safely react to traffic hazards.”

Herman said distractions include eating, sipping a beverage, turning attention to a child in the backseat and texting.

Research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows drivers ages 18-34 represent the most distracted drivers, mainly due to cell phone use. In addition, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports mental distractions can last up to 27 seconds after using voice commands on cars, changing music or using phones.

Drivers are encouraged to develop safe driving habits and:

●      Put the phone away and out of reach.

●      Activate the phone’s “Do Not Disturb” feature.

●      Avoid adjusting the radio, handling food and other items that take your hands off the wheel.

●      Have passengers oversee navigation information and all phones.

●      If needed, pull over at a safe location to handle things.

More information is available at the web site:  https://www.nhtsa.gov/book/countermeasures-that-work/distracted-driving




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