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KDOT plans survey for K-96 bridge improvements

KDOT plans survey for K-96 bridge improvements

KDOT plans survey for K-96 bridge improvements


The Kansas Department of Transportation will have a crew checking on a bridge northwest of Wichita for an upcoming improvement project.

A field survey will be conducted on the 45th Street Bridge over K-96, and it’s expected to begin Monday.   A crew will be working along a 2,500 foot area to gather information for the design of an improvement project.

A member of the survey crew will contact property owners or tenants for permission to enter private property, and motorists are urged to watch for survey crews as they travel through the area.   The crew will be using instruments on the ground to determine the locations of existing features within the survey area.

The survey is expected to be completed by June 21st.

[ map:  KDOT ]


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