JJ’s That’s Trending: School Closures, Cancer Causing Potato Chips, The “Chizza” and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: School Closures, Cancer Causing Potato Chips, The “Chizza” and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: School Closures, Cancer Causing Potato Chips, The “Chizza” and More





Let’s start the day with 5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW



1. The pushback began last night as former board of education members, staff and parents attended a meeting to speak out against the proposed school closings here in Wichita.  Some said they were shocked that Cleveland was on the list, believing it to be one of the better funded magnet schools here in town.




2. Health officials from the University of Alabama at Birmingham said yesterday they would pause all in-vitro fertilization treatments following a ruling by the state’s supreme court to extend legal rights to frozen embryos used in the procedure. The process involves removing eggs and sperm from both parents and fertilizing the egg outside the body and is used to address a wide range of pregnancy challenges





3. The Biden administration cancelled $1.2B in federal student debt for roughly 153,000 people who borrowed less than $12K and have made payments for at least 10 years






4. Food scientists have created a genetically modified potato that does not produce acrylamide, a carcinogen formed during the processing of cold-stored potato chips; the technique may be extended to other processed starches in the future. Am I the only one who is thinking, why is this the first time I’m hearing about certain potato chips containing cancer causing carcinogens.




5. and it’s been at thing at KFC all over the world for years, and it’s finally making it’s way to the U.S. – the CHIZZA. I piece of fried chicken topped with marinara, mozzerella and pepperoni.  New York city gets it first starting tomorrow. The rest of us will have to wait till Monday. I’m still having trouble with the name…..how do you not call it the “Pizzicken” …and THAT’S TRENDING.






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