
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

Wichita announces results of citizen survey

Wichita announces results of citizen survey

Wichita announces results of citizen survey


The City of Wichita has announced results from its participation in the National Community Survey to get input on city services and determine priorities for improvement.  The survey focused on the livability of Wichita.

The survey targeted 5,000 households and received 553 completed surveys, for a response rate of 11 percent and a margin of error of plus or minus four percent.   There was also an open participation survey that was available to the public and it received 131 responses.

Some of the findings of the survey:

  •  71.4% of survey respondents provided a positive response (“good” or “excellent”) to the question asking them to rate their satisfaction with Wichita as a place to live.
  •  Street repair, economic development and crime prevention had high importance ratings but lower quality ratings
  • Fire Services and the Wichita Public Library services had the highest quality ratings

The city has created an interactive dashboard to allow residents to look at the results of the survey, conducted by the Polco National Research Center, based in Wisconsin.  The information is available through the city’s web page at wichita.gov/insights

The annual survey helps in putting together the city budget by measuring resident priorities and perceptions.   More information on public input in the budget process will be posted on wichita.gov/342/Budget-Process


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