
On Air

Bobby Knight

Mon - Fri 03:00 PM to 08:00 PM

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: Army Veteran Jumps Into Action at a Crash Scene

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: Army Veteran Jumps Into Action at a Crash Scene

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: Army Veteran Jumps Into Action at a Crash Scene







Today, JJ’s Star Spangled Salute honors Army Veteran Shane Johnson.  Shane and his family were in their home watching college football when a car jumped a stone wall and slammed into a tree outside their home.  Hearing the crash Shane didn’t hesitate and ran to help. He saw the car was smoking, called 911 and his Army training kicked in. Shane was able to stablize her head and neck and make sure she was getting air and remove her from the vehicle.  Paramedics soon arrived and the woman was airlifted to the hospital.  Thank you Shane for helping save a life and THANK YOU for your service.






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