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Jenn West

Mon - Fri 10 AM - 3PM

Wichita high school to celebrate 100 years

Wichita high school to celebrate 100 years

Wichita high school to celebrate 100 years


Wichita’s East High School is celebrating its 100th anniversary with homecoming events and a parade.

Wichita High School opened at Douglas and Grove on October 8th, 1923, and it was known as the “million-dollar high school.”  In 1928, the school was renamed Wichita High School East after the construction of Wichita North High School.

The celebration will begin Friday, October 6th with student activities and a pep rally from 8 a.m. to noon.  The fall homecoming football game on the East football field at 4 p.m., followed by an alumni tailgate party.

On Saturday, October 7th, a 100-Year Celebration Parade will be held at 10 a.m. on Douglas from Hydraulic to Grove, followed by a block party on the school’s front lawn from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  There will be food trucks, school tours, live music, guest speakers and other activities.

Other events are planned throughout the school year to celebrate East’s 100 years.

[ photo:  Wichita Public Schools – Facebook ]


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