
On Air

Bobby Knight

Mon - Fri 03:00 PM to 08:00 PM

JJ Talks With Local Dermatologist Dr. Landon Johnson About The Dangers of Skin Cancer

JJ Talks With Local Dermatologist Dr. Landon Johnson About The Dangers of Skin Cancer

JJ Talks With Local Dermatologist Dr. Landon Johnson About The Dangers of Skin Cancer




Sadly, it takes the death of a celebrity or more importantly a close friend or family member to make us realize that things like skin cancer should not be ignored.  A regular check up of your skin is important.  Also, if you have a ‘blemish’ or a ‘spot’ that seems concerning or suspicious, then DEFINITELY make an appointment.


A week ago we lost Jimmy Buffett, who come to find out, was battling a rare form of skin cancer called Merkel Cell Carcinoma.





Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare, aggressive skin cancer that can be life-threatening. It usually appears as a painless, flesh-colored or bluish-red nodule on the face, head, or neck. It often starts in areas of skin exposed to the sun.
MCC is 40 times more rare than melanoma, but it tends to be much more aggressive. It can be deadly because it grows and spreads quickly. It often can come back after treatment, usually within two or three years of diagnosis.
MCC is frequently curable with surgical and nonsurgical therapies, particularly if caught early. Treatments are often highly individualized, depending on a patient’s general health, as well as the tumor’s location, size, depth, and degree of spread.
Men are twice as likely to develop this cancer than women. About 90% of the people who have it are White, and about 80% are 70 and older.



Had the pleasure to talk to Dr. Landon Johnson, Dermatologist from Wichita Dermatology and Aesthetics. Listen and learn more about the best practices you can use to better your chances of not getting skin cancer.





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