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Mon - Sat 07:00 to 12:00 AM

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: Michigan Man Awarded Veteran Of The Year

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: Michigan Man Awarded Veteran Of The Year

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: Michigan Man Awarded Veteran Of The Year





Today, JJ’s Star Spangled Salute honors Vietnam Veteran Jim Provost of Michigan.  Jim joined the Marines in 1965 right after high school. After his military service he served in the Department of Veteran Affairs. When a call came in to do a wellness check on a Veteran, Jim was the guy who would answer that call and go sit with them, make sure they were ok and see what they needed.  For his 20+ years of work with the VA and the countless people he has helped, Jim has been named the U.P. Veteran of the Year.  Congratulations Jim and THANK YOU for your service.




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