
On Air

Roxanne Stuart

Saturdays 10-2, Sundays 2-7 and Fill In

Dan + Shay Almost “Quit” Music – But Are Back With A New Song!

Dan + Shay Almost “Quit” Music – But Are Back With A New Song!

Dan + Shay Almost “Quit” Music – But Are Back With A New Song!


Now we know why Dan + Shay went dark on social media for a long while – they were going through some dark times. According to a YouTube video, the duo said they almost called it quits. Dan Smyers said that when he came of the last arena, “Man, I (bleeping) hate music. I’m ready to quit.”

Shay Mooney replies, “there was little things between you and I that we never talked about.” You can watch the video called “The Drive” HERE (or below) but you should know it is uncensored.

Well, they were able to put that, “low point” behind them and figure it out. Now we have new music from the duo. The new song is called “Save Me The Trouble” and is Dan + Shay at their best.  Here is them teasing the new track from their INSTAGRAM.

This will be the first song off a new album expected later this year.  Their last album came out in 2021, so it’s been a minute. Dan + Shay also announced that they will serve as The Voice’s first-ever duo coaching team during Season 25 of the show starting in 2024.

KFDI will have the Wichita Premiere on 7/13/23 just after 11pm. Then you can hear it throughout the day on 7/14/23.  Let us know what you think on the KFDI facebook page.



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