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Luke Bryan Reunites Military Family On Stage

Luke Bryan Reunites Military Family On Stage

Luke Bryan Reunites Military Family On Stage


Yes, it is one of those beautiful moments! Luke Bryan reunited a military husband and his wife on stage during his concert in Darien Lake, New York. He surprised a woman in the audience by calling out her name and inviting her on stage. He told the crowd, “Shannon’s husband has been fighting overseas for a couple of years, and I wanna get her to help me. Come up here with me right now.”

He then led the crowd to start singing his song “Country On” and Shannon’s husband, dressed in military fatigues, stepped out from the side of the stage, and the crowd went nuts! Shannon turned around to see her husband and immediately burst into tears.  Watch the video on Luke’s Facebook Reel.

Honestly, I never get tired of seeing these types of reunions because the families sacrifice so much.  God Bless all those serving and their families. Bravo Luke!

Credit: https://www.facebook.com/lukebryan/



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