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Area artist donates mobile sculpture to Wichita library

Area artist donates mobile sculpture to Wichita library

Area artist donates mobile sculpture to Wichita library


The City of Wichita has received a donation of a mobile sculpture that was created exclusively for the Advanced Learning Library.

The sculpture, titled True Colors, is the work of Hesston artist John Waltner.  He asked the Wichita Public Library for the opportunity to create the sculpture and the concept was approved by the city’s Design Council in January.

True Colors is about 12 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet, and it’s made of sheet metal, steel rods and acrylic paint with a hardening protective coat.   It has about 130 painted shapes of sheet metal.   The title of the sculpture is inspired by a line from a Maya Angelou poem:  “Your true colors are beautiful!”

Waltner told the City Council that since he retired as a Harvey County Administrator, he has been working on his sculpture hobby.  He expressed thanks to the City Council for their support of the Arts and their efforts to enhance the visual landscape in the community.

The sculpture has a market value of $4,000 and it will be placed in the main stairwell atrium of the Advanced Learning Library.

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